Saturday, March 31, 2018

“Why don’t Indian Muslims rise against India?"

A few days back I came across a question that said “Why don’t Indian Muslims rise against India?”
Well, the question left me gazing at it for a long time. I found it quite ironic how the question mentions Muslims of our country as “INDIAN muslims” and still expects them to rise against India.
Being a Muslim myself I tried my level best to recall at least one incident in the last 20 years that might have led me to even THINK of rising against India. I was quite relieved by the fact that my brain couldnt return a single output to that.
But as the question was asked, I needed to force myself hard enough to come up with something suitable and so I did.
I started asking questions to myself as to what should I actually rise against in India? What’s so cruel for Indian Muslims that may lead them to take such a step?
Are you also an extremist or something who wishes to divide this nation? So tell me against what do you think should the Indian Muslims rise?
  • Against the respect and dignity with which they all have been living here?
  • Or against the unbiased platform they get in every field?
  • Against their best friends who have become more of a family to them?
  • Or against their neighbours with whom they celebrate the colours of Holi and share the sweets of Eid-ul-Fitr?
  • Against the benefits they are offered just because they’re a minority?
  • Or agianst the riots that shut the eyes of thousands of innocents in which Muslims equally particiapted?
  • Against the fact that they get a subsidy to go for Haj but no such subsidy is offered to people of other religion?
  • Or against their Prime Minister who has in no way done any partiality against them? (Political views are not welcome)
  • Against the set of so many amazing people here?
  • Or against this incredibly beautiful country?
Not for anything will I ever rise against India. I wont find a reason big enough no matter how hard I try. Even if I do find one, I know exactly how to respond rather than react and so I’ll try to bring down the situation back to normal instead of adding up to the fire that is already being fuelled by hundreds of idiotic extremists
**I know I sound like a big deshbhakt(patriot), well, I actually have enough of it within me to be showed on days other than 15th August and 26th January**