Friday, April 6, 2018


"Never say No to a job, if you don't know how to do it, learn the skill how to do it, learn it and then complete the task"

This is the way I started to learn things not being confined to just one subject but exploring and experiment myself wherever I may fit. Of course, there are exceptions to it and learning to say "NO" too requires courage.
 So right now, I've started to learn Web Development. It's amazing and exploring what all can I do, I'll say it's limitless. It's something that you'll require whatever field you're in. Since the advancement of Internet the web is a great market place to socialize and advertise since Audience is something that every Business Requires.


                                             When you're learning web Development the first thing they'll tell you is HTML. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML describes the structure of web Pages using Markup. Now you may think what is Markup Language?
It's just the marking up of the paper manuscripts so that it is distinguishable, generally tags. Sorta
bla bla

Now let's take a look at the HTML Timeline

HTML5 is the 5th Version of HTML standards. HTML has evolved immensely but the previous version, HTML4 was introduced about 15yrs ago. Thus HTML5 was much awaited as the advancement in smart-phones, tablets and other devices.
Let's look at the main differences:

  • HTML5 uses SQL Data Base whereas in HTML browser cache can be utilized for storing purpose.
  • SVG, Canvas and other graphics are supported in HTML5 whereas HTML has vector graphics.
  • HTML runs in Browser interface threads, that is using multi processor as a faster experience while HTML5 supports JavaScript to run in background.

Whowins??? HTML or HTML5???

No doubt HTML has an upper hand in compatibility and has less glitches & Error, but here the future is bright for HTML5.
  • HTML5 does not rely of any other thread party to display either audio or video. Just the tags would do it. The interactive medias are Visually enhanced.
  • No more cookies, thanks to local storage.Since there is a temporary with Web SQL database no more cache are used . This could be accessed wherever desired using global window namesake.
  • HTML5 enhanced the web application features. This was a major benefit for the web developers and thus gave more control.
  • Improved Mobile Support making mobile web easier.
There's a bright Future waiting for further development and advancing + enhancing of web experience and HTML5 is a path that provides a positivity to moving ahead.

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