Sunday, December 9, 2018

Efficiency and Corruption go hand in hand

Corruption is the unethical act performed by the group of people using power of position or authority to acquire personal benefits. It is a social issue which adversely affects the economy of nation. Corruption uses unethical means to get advantage of others. It is the mistreatment of public resources just for getting some unfair advantage to fulfil little wish. It is concerned with the unnecessary and wrong use of both power and position by anyone whether in the government or non-government organization. People forget the real responsibility of being a human just because of the money. We need to understand that money is not everything and it is not a stable thing. Corruption is a selfish desire that only benefits oneself and does not think about the other person or the whole nation.
Efficiency is the state or quality of being efficient. In technical terms it means “Producing more output in a given time.” From the economics point of view, it refers to how well resources are utilized to produce optimum product that benefits the consumers without getting wasted. For a country to be efficient, it must look at all the aspects and lead the nation hand in hand in all areas. Lacking in any one can drastically impact the efficiency.

Governments in developing countries play an important role in the growth process, most notably through their budgetary policies. Efficiency is estimated for developing countries using data envelopment analysis and subsequently employed in a general to specific approach in order to identify its determinants. Various factors determine the efficiency for a country, for example; Per capita income, GDP, health, life expectancy etc. If one is biased and thinks for own selfish needs the efficiency is affected and may result in other low scoring areas.

As we have seen, corruption is mostly an evil act that thrives only because of greediness and efficiency is the measure of all the factors combined. I disagree that with corruption, efficiency can be attained.

Talking about our nation, India, it lays 5th lowest in terms of energy efficiency. India low ranks not just the energy field but also in other fields like Education system, life expectancy, etcetera.. India ranks 81 in Global Corruption Index out of 153 countries. It can also be seen that, the top non corrupt countries are the ones that are developed. This actually shows that with corruption there is a decline in development, progress and efficiency. Corruption often results in widening the gap between the rich and poor. People with power take most of the credit in form of money, power or expensive gifts.

Take the example: Most often the food items meant for the marginalised citizens of India does not even reach them. This is a form of corruption where the CORRUPT actually steal food literally out of the Mouths of people who do not have 2 square meals a day. This is perhaps the most visible form of corruption. MNREGA ,SUBSIDY etc are similar in nature. These end up keeping the poor very poor and are very much evident.

Corruption at every level affects the overall efficiency, monopolising every sector following the footsteps of developed nation has resulted in small scale corruption. We seem to be following the roadmap of developed countries mainly US, but we fail to recognise that US has more than 300 years of independent history. It’s been a long time since poverty and hunger was their problem. Also they are pushing obsolete environmentally damaging sectors to developing countries. And we seem to gladly call it development/growth.

What we must strive to do instead is form our own inclusive model.  Quoting APJ Abdul Kalam- "India should walk in its own shadow; we must have our own model."

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