Wednesday, January 9, 2019

8th January 2019

Absence Sharpens Love, Presence Strengthens it.

For now I've named the Post just as the day I'm going to describe, because the day in itself is a special day. It Started with the Mid-night Wishing Abdy(Abdullah) a Happy Birthday. I was a bit unhappy that I couldn't be there but the thought that I'd be somewhere else dismissed what ever guilt I had. I wished him, and thought he was better enjoying than disturb him. The day had began, with my train being late I was okay with it. Since I had experienced worse. I was charging my phone so utilizing the moment was "The presence of mind" which I wish my Job interviewer would have notices. Jokes apart. It was cold, but I had the beanie in my bag. I set up my Alarm at two different timing and on two different apps. Taking extra precaution of not missing my station, I even switched my phone to full Vibrate-Mode. The train came, usually late, Duh! I sat on my berth and it was then when it hit my head, "The thought of bringing my Blanket". I had never travelled without one, and the bone chilling cold in a sleeper compartment made me realize what a shitty-mistake(yeah Blunders are called that now) I made. I had that extra jacket, but wearing that would spoil the Gift I had for her, I was going to sleep on my bag. And that extra Jacket was actually for her, I had thought so when keeping it. She might need one. Moving on.. the Train started AND SO DID THE SHIVERING. Gosh, I was shivering like a vibrating Dildo. I had never seen one, what other things vibrate? A phone? or a drilling machine. Whatever you find the most, I was THAT. I woke up twice, every-time checking my Phone, Wallet and TIME, I really didn't wanted to miss my stop.

So there I was at CUTTACK station, after nearly 4 years. It was late and with constant conversation, well-informed. I didn't want her to take huge risks, so no chances of doubting. After her classes where cancelled. I decided to take coffee, and yeah also grab something to eat, my stomach was growling with the shivering for how empty it had been. I had skipped the dinner as well, the oily food made me to. Soon, I reached the bus stop and there, this Auto-wala says it's strike day! It was not much of a shock.. but the buses won't be plying all day. I decided informing her the same, maybe, if she had the scooty. I walked around, remembering the Good Old Days... how I used to complain Dad of walking too much. All that seemed like a couple of minutes walk. I explored the area, grabbed a water bottle, small talk with the shopkeeper, and so I came to know about All India Bandh. Shit! This had once crossed my mind, but seriously. Till now the day wasn't going soo good as I had thought, maybe because my luck was being late. No sign of her anywhere, I decided to go to the bridge. and long walk back. I saw the crowd of the party doing strike, it was peaceful but crowded, with the police leading.. it was safe. Finally I received her call, she was out, now and I knew she would come by an auto, I started walking back. Small talk with mummy while returning, I assured her(actually I assured myself more than her) that we're somewhere just outside Hostel. As I reached the spot at the same time I saw her.

She reached the same time as I did. Lucky!

She was there. First thing I noticed was her smile, she wasn't short(she exaggerated, I suppose) she was cute. Yeah, that's the first thing that ran in my head. Honestly, I told I saw her smile.. Actually it was the bold matte finished Red Lipstick. With ceasing my urge to hug her at that very moment, it was her city, all I did was a firm handshake. Cold hands, soft and then that smile. Blue hoodie, which anyone could tell was oversized, and her white jeans which made her look more cuter. Then like Gwen from Spider-verse, she pulled down the hood and "OH MY GOD!" That was shocking revelation. She had them coloured. I don't know what the terms are, it was some shades dark some light, some natural. But haircut didn't surprise me much. I had that calculated and she actually pulled it off really good. I don't know if I had ever seen anyone befitting that haircut. One can confidently say those were felicitous.
Moving on, she decided we must take an Auto, great witted I must say. So we were now moving... One thing, I must say.. she has that smile, that one where if you see a person smiling with a smile like that, whatever is going in your head, you'll forget it and start smiling with that person for a moment. And her light brown eyes enchanted me combined with that fabulous smile.

I know myself. I take hell lot of time to open up. So I thought lets get started formally as a friend. With casual teasing.. and having fun in the auto, it was quick we reached the Smart city: Bhubaneshwar.  Quite smart and dumb as well. I don't know much about girly stuff... But this thing, mattered to her, it was like the last piece of a puzzle you're solving which took like a week to it and that piece goes missing. I was worried it could be phone, or wallet or jewellery, but it was her Favorite: Color-Pop Bold Red; Matte finish Lipstick. Yeah, not a big deal for guys but big deal for this young lady, specially my girl who has just one obsession and it's Lipsticks. We lost the auto-Uncle and so our hope of getting the thing. But fortunately, I got the opportunity to get hold of her hand. Uhh.. I just don't want to scare her by unnecessary holding hands or unnecessary anything.

This city had a different scene than Cuttack. This city was scared as timid rabbit. With all the shops and mall closed, we just had the roads to road and no-where else. And so we did that. Finally we sat at a grocery shop(actually the second, first one was already closing). I was still trying opening up. We did the conversation... Ahh.. the conversation felt so good. It was like we meet everyday and talk for hours. I got introduced to a new Chips. After getting rejected from multiple closed doors, me landing into gobar , Searching for a mall in every direction only to find it closed, her leg getting that nerve refraction.. We moved forward to a different mall.. This mall was partially closed. I was getting my luck fixed. We got there.. It was vacant and that was good. Holding her arms, observing her.. The smile she had was something to look at.. Her stories were good, but now I realize I interrupted her a lot. That commenting, wasn't out of nervousness but for the sheer habit of me Trolling friends. She had a way of narrating, with occasional sleek cheek bones outcasting every light in that mall...
It was then She asked for a guessing game. And ohh God I fucked it so bad. I could have shattered my head against the 30 feet window pane. Fudge, she was tapping her fingers against her cheeks and that's why I said Kiss on cheeks. Sheesh...

But naah... She was with me, her sweet charismatic aura made me smile every-time I took a glimpse of her, soon making me forget that mistake.

Part 2

Part 2 just because I had to leave the previous one because "Tuition" 1st thing, all this writing is just my means to express, so let me do it once and for all. What is going on with me; All day I'm smiling to myself... thinking about her all day long. And believe me when I tell it is awkward while walking on the streets and keep on smiling. Ahh... Walking way back to from class.. the cool breeze made my hands feel emptier. How can just a day make me feel habituated to her. My hands felt empty, that smile is back and mind is filled by thoughts of her.

Back to day, the special wonderful day... How this Duo made a worse day into an Amazing one. The day had decided to rob us our time and place, but here we were transforming ourselves into what could be the best Ballad of the century,

Hahaa... quite exaggerating it was... but I believed so. Shops were already closed and my guessing game had ruined whatever confidence I had gathered. Fast forwarding... Wait, that guy. I forgot about a random Bastard who came trying to make up conversation. I still don't have a clue what he had in his mind when he came to us.
We are enjoying our Me time when this young kiddo kind of guy walks up ferociously and starts with his explanation of what he feels like the day is for him and what he was doing or would be doing on that day and what he could have done if it were for his way of strike. No introductions yet. She looks at me and I look back at her understanding he isn't mutual to anyone. Background noise:"Ohh I was feeling like a War Zone Apocalypse..bla bla" Everything was fair and fine when he started with his story of YouTube creating stuff. These days these so called Youtube creaters are like begging for subs and likes and so irritate me now. Bus-Stops, College-Canteen,Railway Station, name a place and these creature would be crawling with Youtube Promoting stuff. He was an irritating piece, but now gone.
It was awkward standing there, but having her, boosted my confidence. "What's the secret of your Energy(Confidence)" I wanted to ask her, its not my cup of tea. Talking of Tea.. I wanted a coffee... but having no option, air was fine. Where did my coolness vanish I wonder, all that cool attitude, not caring stuff damn it.. Why was "I " thinking so much. That's not me. She was narrating anecdotes of her life her sweet charming smile, always distracting me from what the story was going but I could keep up to it. Her eyes, light brown, bulgy goggling like searching for something, open to let all the light enter. I can still close my eyes and exactly replicate how beautiful they were. Wait hold up, talking of beautiful-ness.. her teeth, perfectly aligned, white complimented by sexiest lips that had the red bold precious lipstick chapped only let the blood colour fade away. If you wonder, one can take their eyes away looking down, mind you, you'd be looking at the cutest toes ever. Of course, it had been pedicured an hour everyday for a month to get that perfect. No wonder, I couldn't stop myself being attracted to that cuteness and finally taking her in my arms(With all that repelling from crowd). Now how do I describe that? I know I can't. I am not good at expressing either. But one thing I know, it was the best feeling ever. I wanted the world to stop, no worries, nothing besides that matters. One thing that I'm sure of is, She'll never let go of me. The bad day ended then and there, you're relieved and want to relish the moment till eternity. And then it hit, the smell of her hairs. Wow, why do girls carry this sweet smell wherever the want. I dunno, I might be smelling shit, but she, smelled like she had just came out after shampooing her hairs and handbagging. Sheesh again I was glided by the thoughts while writing. It going to take ample time, always wandering by her thoughts.
Back again... while we were eating chips there was this argument there.. Something that we together had to decipher what actually that Mad-man was yelling at top of his voice. She was totally into it, maybe even wondering to fight with that balded-grey haired man. She is really wild in that case. I can say that for sure. While I run for peace, she can get in fight at the first run. While I may only argue when the triggered, she has the trigger waiting to be put up. But she is utterly sweet when with me. She had that calm composed behaviour, caring just what really mattered to her. She is hella sweet. God missing her even more.

While walking back, I realized I really want this to work out, I've already been attached to this girl too much with every strand of hair present double it and that many strings are attached with her now. I knew I love her even more the moment, I started walking back to station from her house I was missing her even more and more with every step drifting away.

Remember, Slow Down, Calm Down; Don't Worry, Don't Hurry-Trust the process! and that's what keeps me going.
PS: I'm too bad at photographs.

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