Saturday, February 16, 2019


"Distance isn't for the fearful; it is for the Bold.It is for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in Exchange for little time with the one they Love. It is for those who know a Good thing when they see it, Even if they don't see it Nearly Enough."

Ever since we humans evolved, we are finding ways to connect, interact, explore places faster. We had a nomadic lifestyle until the Neolithic Era("The New Stone Age"). We as human beings started to settle down, mostly near Water Bodies. Farming and husbandry of plants and animals became the main occupation.
With the rise and fall of empires, Kings and Emperors started to conquer the distant part of the world. Information stared top spread out in the form of Christianity and Islamic Golden Age.
We having the tendency of hunters-gatherers started to build homes form colonies(civilisation), now running and nomadic life was no more entertained. We longed for rest and laziness started to kick in. This paved way for the sedentary lifestyle which is usually overtaken our lives right now. The sedentary life though seems to be much seated has moved us away farther.
Recently, I read this book called "Who moved my Cheese" by Dr. Spencer Johnson. One analogy that I derived is once you get the Cheese you settle down there. We don't want to move or run until and unless the Cheese finishes. Yet, in a marathon, we see runners who push themselves farther away from their limits, because that is how our body is designed. The science says that. To push the muscles farther than it's meant to go only to grow ourselves. This is how we grow. But we prefer this running and pushing mostly mentally and not physically. We run away from our problems, responsibilities and away from over-work. We have this sedentary life were we may seem to be seated is actually not the case. We have moved away keeping everything thing placed but actually distant.
Take any common House, a Child has to leave early to reach school on time, sit there for 6 hours, overlooked only to be seen as Sitting, but is now drifted apart from family. The parents are away from Child to work, and away from their parents, joint family is a rare concept. Even the helper, he's away from his home/village his family only to settle for work.
Technology that claims to have united us, banished distances has actually made us distant. This is an irony that needs further explanation though faced by all spoken by none.
When I ask a simple question:"Has technology eliminated the distances?" The quick and obvious answer is Yes. There is no point of debate. I have a different perspective. No doubt it is easier to fetch information, no need for long hours of travel. Socially most active than ever. But if thought with respect how much better has it been for us, Are we the same? No.  What I agree is, Technology has made everything affordable, but to answered if it had eliminated distances, NO. We are more Distant from our families and friends than ever. More distant from our native homeland. Distance is not just a matter of meters/feet or matter of time required to reach a place. To be thought with a sane mind, distance is How close we are from a place/person. How easily can we just drop by.
Take this example of my Friend X and his brother M. The distance is just about 57km. They don't live together because of respective Job location. It takes approx 2hrs to reach by Car, and 1hr by Metro. But do they meet on weekends? NO. Festivals? Hardly. I've seen them once a year. That's is. They don;t have any row. They usually chat and tag, but how close they are, I still doubt. We do have the technology, but not the mentality to reduce the distance. I don't solely blame Technology, That is the story of all our lives.
It's a digital age, we can't just altogether reject Tech. That is not possible. We are tuned to be Cyborgs, Hearing-aids, pacemakers, Glasses, watches that control how we interact. Certainly destroyed as people and destroying places we can reach. It's not far to go far away places, and so now we see the glimpse of humans destroying them. Think about all the forest,Top-soil,Rivers and land-acquisitions. To avoid digitally life is challenging, being bored isn't one of the problems. Socially interacting with friends and neighbours made me realise how can we still be close being far away.
To avoid extreme Technology is the major requirement this time. This is how we can recognize ourselves how far we have been only to show how close we are. We can still form civilisations right now were we are, it's all in the mentality now. After-all Man is a Social Animal.

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