Saturday, July 11, 2020

Minimalism: the art of Living

Minimalism is beyond time, it is Stillness of Perfection.

When you think of Minimalism, you will most probably identify it with the root word minimal, which refers to reduced amount. Many people refer minimalism as a loosing substance and they indulge so much in loosing stuff around them that in the process, they start to loose themselves.

According to Cambridge Dictionary,  Minimalism is:
a style in art design, and theatre that uses the smallest range of materials and colours possible, and only very simple shapes or forms.

Minimalism has been a trend around for a while and while many do understand the basic concept, they either tend to go too far or altogether go in a different direction. I choose to believe minimalism to be related to minimizing, but more importantly de-cluttering your life.
Minimalism for me is a tool, rather than a way of living. People following a trend, incline to make mistakes since they focus more on the visual aspect rather than underlying mindset.

I was introduced to the concept of minimalism from the Stoicism that I came across while attending toastmasters session. I dived deep into stoic philosophies of Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. Stoicism is the Greek philosophies that depends on 4 virtues viz. Wisdom, Morality, Courage and Moderation. I was moved by their philosophies of how simple life can be and how complex we make it for ourselves.

"Moderation is the key"

    We might have heard this alot and might have even followed this once in a while, but reading the articles on Seneca made me realize what I was doing was wrong. While moderation is the key, but we look at it in a more materialistic way instead of spiritual. From there I was moved toward the true definition of Minimalism. For me minimalism is de-cluttering your life. Removing not just the stuff that you are in possession of but also removing your worries, anxiety , removing every other thing that hold you back. Removing toxic people and re-evaluating the things you need.

In order to live a luxurious life, you must also live a life simple, with less

Let's talk about materialistic aspect:

With the rise in digitization, shopping has never been this easy. This results in buying of things that we don't need, Stuff that just looks fancy in the pictures or we just need it for the showing purpose. The world has become more dominant of displaying their wealth by the items they possess in shorter amount of time. Buying any stuff from Amazon is just a matter of few clicks. With that power people profusely exploit and end up buying what they don't need and isn't necessary.

From a non-materialized aspect:

We end up possessing more worries, work loads, end up consuming more digital world. All this as a result ends up giving us the stress which we brought upon us. Remember, Less is more! When you start removing the unnecessary distractions, reducing digital time, taking time off your work, having a work-life balance; you end up with more time to yourself, more time with Family and more time enjoying life than stressing about it.

We always thought why time runs faster when we grow up, but never realize the time management and how minimizing could help you. Even from the materialistic aspect, if your desires to possess excessive stuff is held back and you only invest your time and money on stuff you need, you will have much more time in your hand and also cut back from work since the money that was being wasted is now saved.

Stoicism also taught me satisfaction, by removing clutters from our lives and living simple ones leads us towards a more happy lifestyle and this is what actual luxury is. A controlled life is driven by you not others or bits and pieces around you. Take minimalism as a tool not as a way of living, there are people who take it way to far and removing most stuff around them leaving them dissatisfied with life. The mantra of minimalism is lost there, minimalism is all about possessing of stuff that has a meaning to you, impacts your life and makes it beautiful.


The benefits of minimalism that I experience everyday is the first and foremost "Freedom". I have more space in my apartment, more space in my life, to chose my goals and not limit myself to the stuff in my life. I also get a sense of responsibility when I chose to possess only those that necessary, in a way I am saving the environment, also it helps me cut back my spending and save for the goals that I have planned or unplanned circumstances. Hence providing me with a peace of mind and happiness. The less clutter I have, the more focus I can infuse and prioritize. Two tips I have for my readers:

1. Do not put pressure on yourself, remember, Minimalism is a way of living, or a tool not an end goal.

2. Do not loose yourself or make it unattainable.

That's all I have to say from the experience Minimalism has brought in my life, I'll continue to practice this art but not be bound to it.

“No person has the power to have everything they want, but it is in their power not to want what they don’t have, and to cheerfully put to good use what they do have.” — Seneca

Peace ✌️

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