Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Quarantine Thoughts

 Konichiwa Yuujin! It's that time of the year again. 15th September. 2yrs have passed since Dad passed away. I still have the reminder set for the exact time. Yepp... things have moved pretty much forward and as we wished it's been stable. I get reminded you him once in a while and yeah sometimes I cry to it too, but yeah that's mostly when I am alone. Don't want to bother people or more accurately put this way- Don't want people to bother me. We have still few paper-works pending. He used to take care of it all and maybe that's what spoiled me. I don't care much about those. The lockdown has been a great way of bonding, although I wish to be a more of a care-taker, however I do want Mummy to be seen as the high authority and keep things as they were. Just want everything to be gradual rather than sudden. My creativity has hit the rock bottom here. I don't know how but I don't find the time that looked so much easier when I used to be alone. Let's give staying awake till morning a shot, I mean what could go wrong.

Ahh.. and to be on the same ground, Covid still exist killing thousands if not millions every week. People now have been more casual to it. Of course you can't bind people more than the limits. I try my best to be more at home, while there are lots of forces pulling me out but the health of other members compels me to stay home & break the chain. This has actually impacted my health. I'm the brand ambassador of couch potato. With all the extra Quarantine calories, I am sure I've beefed up, My closer circle might agree that I need to, but exercise is equally important as against to getting belly fat. Sadly the park nearby is closed and running on roads with all the rash drivers here is too risky. I waiting for the park to re-open, well to be honest I'm procrastinating. I actually should get into action and this is why journal helps me, to introspect. Well, thinking of where I have been spending most of my time, I am basically left with my all time favorite game; CS:GO 💓 and the second one "YouTube".

For videos I have 3 goto apps, Netflix, Amazon Prime and YouTube.(well Instagram too, but I like stationary memes) Although not having Youtube Plus, my digital wellbeing says I'm a lot more active on Youtube than others. Lately astronomy has grasped me in all the mystery it beholds. How amazingly scientist have all worked on explaining the very basics of it and simultaneously unfolding new mysteries. How amazing a black hole is. The life of a star, the planets all around us and all that beholds in the millions of galaxies that exist that we may never even get a chance to see. It might be depressing but is at the very same time amusing.

Let's talk about the recent study of the planet existing in our very own Solar system. The neighbour planet Venus. How it can be possible for life to exist on Venus. I was reading an article that just a Telescopic view suggest that something might be alive on Venus right now. I have linked the article if you want to give it a read, all this makes me so enthusiastic on finding life, yet how insignificant we are. Not just time, but even our actions are relative. Few theories suggest that we might even be just a hologram and all these might just be a test or say a short dream or something of an amusement for the next intelligent species. Well... I could go on. These are the theories that makes life more meaningless to me. People point the key term "depression", but how can we actively work on something that would just be dust(or garbage value) in few decades or light years, who knows.. time is relative. The Holy books suggest, time somewhere else to be like 1 min = 7 years. How do you explain that. Or all the afterlife stories. Maybe this is just a test, where we are given new lives to live in set of rules only to observe how we behave and accordingly given the roles. The theories are unlimited and so is the universe and so are my thought, but alas time is bounded. Sayonara... Will come up with a proper article soon.

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