Ups And Down: A Necessary Evil

My Life was going smooth I was overwhelmed. I was going fine in my work
and felt confident in everything. On 4th May while returning from a
month vacation, I rejoined my institution. As I entered the institution I was
Flabbergasted. A new girl in Blue dress was sitting in the first row.
Fabulously dressed, well in complexion and the long glittering hairs melted my
heart. She looked familiar but I couldn’t recognize her. I took my backbench
seat and wondered whom she must have been. I imagined to ask her, but did not
dare…! The Professor entered and asked the girl to introduce her. “She stood
up”, “Walk to the Platform” and “Turned Around”. I did not need any
introduction. Her So Glamorous face spoke out everything. It was none other
than Ivy.
I was startled, what a surprise. She joined our institution Today
itself and I was amazed. We used to talk earlier only on Social Networking
Sites and met only a few times. Now she joined our institution! I could see her
every Alternate Days!!! :D
As Days Passed, gradually having mouthful conversation with her, the
smile she gave and her sweet melodious Voice developed and attraction for me. I
started to like her. Day and night, I used to Dream about her. Our intimacy
increased when we both were made partners for a Project. On the Final day we
gave our best, still unluckily we didn’t any prize. I thought I may have lost
the battle but I will try my best to win the War! Little did I know? I decided
to propose her.
My plan was well set; after three days by weekend, I will propose her to
be my Girlfriend. However, I decided to investigate until then, not because I
didn’t have faith on her or doubted her but wanted to know more and wanna
surprise her with my knowledge. Again, Life took a twist. It seemed as if dusk
has arrived for my life. What I saw was astonishing, “She stopped near the
Park, a guy who was waiting for her, he stood up smiled at her and then they
hugged each other and then departed from the place holding each other. I was
shattered, split and deprived of happiness. It was again! Once again, I felt I
must not survive.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t her fault even. I had never had conversation
with her about love or if she had any Boyfriend. I received the indication in a
wrong way. I was worth suffering. I could recall, she maintained a quick
distance and for her I was just a friend. She is not the one to be blamed.
Henceforth I decided I would not tell a word about this, never again I
‘d fall in Love. I would keep the friendship, but with some limitations and
keep the conversation short. I came back to work space and now I will try my
best to recover the top position!!