Tuesday, January 22, 2019

When Life gives you lemons, make Lemonade.

There is no denying that life gives you lemons; the sour bitter taste of Life but it takes a lot more effort in making a lemonade out of it, most effort goes into the headstart you need to push yourself out of the zone you've landed yourself into. My already written Blog Ups and downs are part of life was way back when I had no clue how hard Life can actually be. Why is this so hard to apply when we are in the downs of life? I still wonder. This is simply a motivational post for myself, to self analyze, introspect, look at the optimistic view of life and to encourage myself if I've been this far, I can travel further more.

Moving forward, let's get updated what's been on my life these days. Excelling in my previous two interviews, I got an opportunity at one of the known M.N.C. I was feeling lucky and having bagged the position which I had always desired, I was jubilant. But since I'm utterly cursed(sic), my happiness couldn't last long. I was bashed with strong arguments how this Company was against my opportunity to grow. However, in a confused state, I grabbed the chance. Eh, Carpe Diam. I must be happy, but happiness scares me these days, at one point you're happy, next you're stressed about something that really didn't matter before or won't matter in future but can eat up your present. Plus, I was still waiting for the official confirmation. This interview came at a cost. The two different interviews were on different dates, one which clashed with the date I had to teach.

It was Friday morning 5:52 AM when I was woken up by my Roommates, they were too excited for the Recruitment drive that they did not care to sleep. Nevertheless, I was forced to go with them, with my bare desire to try, I was ready. It took us more than 2hrs to reach the spot, only to find that the company is LATE.  Fast-forwarding, I was least interested on hearing that it is a sales company, I just wanted to go back Home and then go for my teaching class. The Group-Discussion Round was astonishing when only my other two Roommates and I were selected. I just wanted to go back, but this being my first Interview chance, I wanted an experience. I stayed. They were too slow, the time passing sluggishly, I called to inform I could be late, I knew it would be worse, but talking over there(on phone) was no solution to it. The interview went late till 22:00. Next day was the  drive of a company that I wanted. I had 4 hrs of sleep, and this time, it was just me. I had to go all by myself. Waking up again at 6, I left for a different location. This was a Tech Firm and again I wanted to try.The rounds went smoothly as I was clearing them. Once again I was at the interview panel and soon I was forwarded to the HR panel. I was delighted. This was faster than the day before, and everything got over by 18:00. It was Saturday, weekend. The happiness overwhelmed any thought of my class.
Monday, I was substituted since the other teacher was ill. On reaching, the incidents took place this way:
MeReached the door, *Rings the bell*
Guardian: *Opens the door* You! Today is not your day. You don't come here anymore. *Slams & shuts the door*
M:Thinking: Shit. What do I do now, last class was my payment day.*Rings the doorbell once again* I was told that he already talked to you and that I can take today's class.
G:*Almost screaming* You talked to him, not me. Who gives you the payment? Him or me? Who do you work for? This a house, you teach my son. I don't want a teacher like you who will spoil my child. Go back. I don't need you. Talk to the one who sent you today. I will keep another English teacher. I don't want you. *screaming* GET LOST!
Me: It was just one day, I will manage Friday's class by giving him extra hours. Today I was sent by him, only because he said he a had a word with you. *Me thinking you just can't ask me to go, last class was the PAYMENT DAY. Atleast she should PayMe.*
M: *Thinking what do I do now.* *Tries calling the other teacher* *cuts phone half-way* What would I say to him.
G : *Opens Door* You're still here? What do you think I will keep pleading for you?
M: No, I will make it up, I will devote extra time to him.
G: Now come inside.
M: Thank you.
G : Don't think I will keep asking you. I was informed now, He should have contacted me rather than my sister. I'm responsible for the child. And you, you're responsible if my child fails. *Starts yelling, at the top of her voice* WHAT MANNERS HAVE YOU LEARNT FROM PARENTS. CAN'T YOU PICK UP MY CALLS.WERE YOU SO BUSY? AAH, MY CHILD ISN'T IMPORTANT TO YOU. I GIVE YOU MONEY, SO ASK ME WHEN TO COME, IT'S NOT YOUR HOME, NOR THIS IS A PLAYGROUND FOR YOUR DIRTY TACTICS.
M : I was in the interview as I told you. I'm teaching your kid well. I give my time faithfully, it isn't about money.
G: Just your Interview, your exams, my kid has no value to you. You're a teacher, you must have some responsibilities.

Turns out, I'm not so good at speaking bluntly. I don't know why, but my tone can't be harsh, taking into considerations that she is elder. I respect her, but sometimes she pokes so hard that I'm unable to control the anger. Whatsoever, it had never lashed out on her yet. Today what I experienced was something for the first time, never had anyone shouted at me with so much rage and me being a mule to them. Was it respect, or the money, or the values giving by parents(HaH, she even brought that into account.). It didn't end it there, post taunts were like after-shocks that come after massive earthquake bringing more destruction. Of course, my job comes first to me. I can't just keep teaching, for the sake of her child. I had already completed his syllabus. It is just revision time. Moreover I said I would make up the time missed. This yelling, shouting, screaming, gathering crowd around her apartment only to insult me, I can't take it.I don't know but I decided, I would end it there.
This is the down, of my life right now. It was previously on 1st Jan 2019. I was sent back from door upon hearing few comments on the very first day of year, spoiling not just my morning, but day or maybe year. I know I had my up. I know I will. I keep these things to myself. Who else would listen to these bullshits. Thus writing comes for the rescue. I have a few moral principals, let her shout, be rude, pass comments the way she likes, it all depends on her. Education that she wants from me me to her child is just bookish knowledge, but the things he is learning by watching her, would add to his experience in later life. I was taught to respect, be kind. I can take it upto a certain limit, aftermath, I'm going to quit. The worst that can happen is, The kid will drop from A to B can't go below that I know, He has enough knowledge than most in his class. What I worry about is, his future. How he would treat people. What life lessons would he learn.

For my case. I have my ups coming, I just need to take in some more, then enjoy the fruit during the cold. Eventually it's for us to decide "If life gives you lemons you either "Make lemonade" OR "Squeeze into people's eyes" 
"Life handed him a lemon,
As Life sometimes will do.
His friends looked on in pity,
Assuming he was through.
They came upon him later,
Reclining in the shade
In calm contentment, drinking
A glass of lemonade."

-Peace Out!☮

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