Saturday, February 16, 2019


"Distance isn't for the fearful; it is for the Bold.It is for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in Exchange for little time with the one they Love. It is for those who know a Good thing when they see it, Even if they don't see it Nearly Enough."

Ever since we humans evolved, we are finding ways to connect, interact, explore places faster. We had a nomadic lifestyle until the Neolithic Era("The New Stone Age"). We as human beings started to settle down, mostly near Water Bodies. Farming and husbandry of plants and animals became the main occupation.
With the rise and fall of empires, Kings and Emperors started to conquer the distant part of the world. Information stared top spread out in the form of Christianity and Islamic Golden Age.
We having the tendency of hunters-gatherers started to build homes form colonies(civilisation), now running and nomadic life was no more entertained. We longed for rest and laziness started to kick in. This paved way for the sedentary lifestyle which is usually overtaken our lives right now. The sedentary life though seems to be much seated has moved us away farther.
Recently, I read this book called "Who moved my Cheese" by Dr. Spencer Johnson. One analogy that I derived is once you get the Cheese you settle down there. We don't want to move or run until and unless the Cheese finishes. Yet, in a marathon, we see runners who push themselves farther away from their limits, because that is how our body is designed. The science says that. To push the muscles farther than it's meant to go only to grow ourselves. This is how we grow. But we prefer this running and pushing mostly mentally and not physically. We run away from our problems, responsibilities and away from over-work. We have this sedentary life were we may seem to be seated is actually not the case. We have moved away keeping everything thing placed but actually distant.
Take any common House, a Child has to leave early to reach school on time, sit there for 6 hours, overlooked only to be seen as Sitting, but is now drifted apart from family. The parents are away from Child to work, and away from their parents, joint family is a rare concept. Even the helper, he's away from his home/village his family only to settle for work.
Technology that claims to have united us, banished distances has actually made us distant. This is an irony that needs further explanation though faced by all spoken by none.
When I ask a simple question:"Has technology eliminated the distances?" The quick and obvious answer is Yes. There is no point of debate. I have a different perspective. No doubt it is easier to fetch information, no need for long hours of travel. Socially most active than ever. But if thought with respect how much better has it been for us, Are we the same? No.  What I agree is, Technology has made everything affordable, but to answered if it had eliminated distances, NO. We are more Distant from our families and friends than ever. More distant from our native homeland. Distance is not just a matter of meters/feet or matter of time required to reach a place. To be thought with a sane mind, distance is How close we are from a place/person. How easily can we just drop by.
Take this example of my Friend X and his brother M. The distance is just about 57km. They don't live together because of respective Job location. It takes approx 2hrs to reach by Car, and 1hr by Metro. But do they meet on weekends? NO. Festivals? Hardly. I've seen them once a year. That's is. They don;t have any row. They usually chat and tag, but how close they are, I still doubt. We do have the technology, but not the mentality to reduce the distance. I don't solely blame Technology, That is the story of all our lives.
It's a digital age, we can't just altogether reject Tech. That is not possible. We are tuned to be Cyborgs, Hearing-aids, pacemakers, Glasses, watches that control how we interact. Certainly destroyed as people and destroying places we can reach. It's not far to go far away places, and so now we see the glimpse of humans destroying them. Think about all the forest,Top-soil,Rivers and land-acquisitions. To avoid digitally life is challenging, being bored isn't one of the problems. Socially interacting with friends and neighbours made me realise how can we still be close being far away.
To avoid extreme Technology is the major requirement this time. This is how we can recognize ourselves how far we have been only to show how close we are. We can still form civilisations right now were we are, it's all in the mentality now. After-all Man is a Social Animal.

Friday, February 1, 2019

The Joy of Giving ☺

Donating Blood costs nothing except few minutes of your time that might give someone another chance at life.- The billboard->Apollo Hospital.

As you might have guessed, yes I donated blood and it was one of the happiest moment of my life.
It was 30th Jan, Wednesday, I had a great good night sleep ready to lazily get dragged to the time when I had to go work. Soon, my phone rang, it was my Boss, The J. Jonah Jameson kind.
On picking up, the first thing I hear is : "What makes you take so much time to pick up the phone? WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW?". Okay, that's not how I want my morning to go and just ruin it for the day. My mind said. Just one day more until pay-check then you're Free to go! After consolidating my spirits to still work, I kept my tone low and had to come up with excuses. Briefing the conversation, it bought good-news. No! She won't be paying me today :(, but it's my day off. Hurray! Relieved. That stress just went away which I might have to carried all day long. Although, it could've been my last day since it was my pay-day but never mind.
After winning this mini battle with my boss, and now enjoying the bliss moment of holiday, I decided to just lay in my bed all day long, that is how holidays are meant to be spent. I was ready for my Brunch when, I met a friend that informed me the incident. One of my senior had called, asking for help yestereve. His Uncle was reported with Blood Cancer and they needed 12 units of blood. Had it not been the big amount, he would have just let it go. Any help was welcomed, and time was a crucial factor here. This friend I met, was ready to offer his help and asked me if I would too. I was unsure of it. First, I was on a Ketogenic diet since a week, second I had given blood more than an year back. The only thing that bothered me then was my growling stomach, so I decided to contact him after munching something. This guy, once again followed me, this time with his plans to go. I gave it a thought, and having no stress of my work, I decided to go. The only thing that could go wrong was me being underweight- That's what my mind thought.
After the incident with my Dad, I never liked the idea of dropping out to help. I know how it feels, little help from someone does wonders, and this gesture of mine if it could save someone's life, I'd be happy. Being positive, we were on our voyage(way, Hehe) to meet the senior's friend who would take us to the Hospital. It wasn't too far, and soon we reached the Hospital with the Senior. There we met the patient's relative. He was jolly kind of person. On meeting us he was happy that we came to help and called us little angels. Haha. Soon we went inside the hospital.
The nostalgia hit me. The smell of Hospital, patients being transferred, doctors and nurses on a rush, visitors waiting in turn with their passes, everything hit me. Trying my best to hold on, I kept walking behind my friend. It felt like, once again I'm there with my Dad, switching roles with Mummy and keeping an eye on him, while talking to him distracting him of any worries he might be going, though actually I'd be distracting myself. This Hospital was almost the same, with the clean, rush environment. We followed him to the blood-bank, where the check-ups were made. Turns out, the friend who accompanied me had taken some pills last night which made them cancel him out. I went there to the Doctor's chamber, and then my weight & height was measured. And then it hit me, my height is so low... How can it be that. Why is it that? Aahh... I sooo want to be taller than what I am right now. Weight on the other hand pleased me. It was better than my expectations. While I was there, I overheard someone at the adjacent chamber, He was asked what his blood group was. Replying the Doctor, it previously used to be AB+ but few years back it changed to B+. I can hear that Doctor's laugh exploding, holding my laugh was a tough job, while my doctor was checking out my blood type for confirmation. My Doctor then smilingly questioned, "Blood Groups don't change without any transplants, you know that right?". "Of Course I know that blood groups don't change. r/madlads maybe? Haha"

I was made to drink water, and the water there tasted good, atleast better than what my dorm has to offer. I gulped more than 4 glasses there. I gave my blood, after I was done the nurse attending me said that I had good blood flow and it went faster than it usually is. It felt encouraging. Today, regular drinking of water payed off. I was given refreshment. Yayyy! I wasn't hoping for it. It was all sugary food which I had been avoiding, but I needed glucose that my body just gave off. There was happiness on the face of Uncle(relative) who was with us. That made us happy. The senior who accompanied us, too gave blood. But he being a habitual chronic smoker had to divide between the two hands, the veins had gotten thinner.
Be honest with the doctor, that's the most important. We were ready to go back. Soon Uncle, handed all of us some money as a token of gesture. That made us feel quite awkward, since we were there for the happiness of giving and not receiving anything. Politely we asked him to not do the formalities. He was a jolly person, and finally we concluded to eating someplace that would be good for both parties.
This wasn't the first time I was donating, but knowing that it will be used for someone in need it made me smile. I felt happy from inside. Last time it was for an organization. Today it was for someone in need. I hope that person turns out to be safe and healthy soon. I tried sharing this happiness with Mummy, guess what, she starts scolding me. Ugh! I had to change the topic lying that it was just a prank. Too scared, maybe being a bit frank could've helped.
Finally the day ended with my friend who actually did not donate blood getting extra eggs, while I who did donate blood, gets nothing in return, coz I don't eat eggs. Huh! Not whining, just a little self note, what you do, do it for others, from others is what you gain the real Happiness.
Talking of pranks then, I thought of playing a little prank on my girlfriend. Showed her the bandage I told I had fainted due to the extensive Ketogenic diet, to the point I was admitted to hospital and had to take Saline Solution+ Glucose for recovery. Haha, scared her to the point where she walked from work to home all the way thinking about me, actually worried. Not good I know, but I love disturbing her. The way she cares. <3 p="">
Finally ending the note, The joy in giving has much greater reward than you can see, the things that money can't buy; Happiness, inner Peace and compassion. It doesn't always need to be in the form of Money or blood. Small things like socks for a homeless is what matter. If not things, give through your gestures and kind deeds. That's all one needs to spread, the "JOY IN GIVING IS MUCH MORE FULFILLING THAN RECEIVING." 
This one is cute.

R.A Salvatore said:"The joy multiplies when shared and grief diminishes with every division."

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

When Life gives you lemons, make Lemonade.

There is no denying that life gives you lemons; the sour bitter taste of Life but it takes a lot more effort in making a lemonade out of it, most effort goes into the headstart you need to push yourself out of the zone you've landed yourself into. My already written Blog Ups and downs are part of life was way back when I had no clue how hard Life can actually be. Why is this so hard to apply when we are in the downs of life? I still wonder. This is simply a motivational post for myself, to self analyze, introspect, look at the optimistic view of life and to encourage myself if I've been this far, I can travel further more.

Moving forward, let's get updated what's been on my life these days. Excelling in my previous two interviews, I got an opportunity at one of the known M.N.C. I was feeling lucky and having bagged the position which I had always desired, I was jubilant. But since I'm utterly cursed(sic), my happiness couldn't last long. I was bashed with strong arguments how this Company was against my opportunity to grow. However, in a confused state, I grabbed the chance. Eh, Carpe Diam. I must be happy, but happiness scares me these days, at one point you're happy, next you're stressed about something that really didn't matter before or won't matter in future but can eat up your present. Plus, I was still waiting for the official confirmation. This interview came at a cost. The two different interviews were on different dates, one which clashed with the date I had to teach.

It was Friday morning 5:52 AM when I was woken up by my Roommates, they were too excited for the Recruitment drive that they did not care to sleep. Nevertheless, I was forced to go with them, with my bare desire to try, I was ready. It took us more than 2hrs to reach the spot, only to find that the company is LATE.  Fast-forwarding, I was least interested on hearing that it is a sales company, I just wanted to go back Home and then go for my teaching class. The Group-Discussion Round was astonishing when only my other two Roommates and I were selected. I just wanted to go back, but this being my first Interview chance, I wanted an experience. I stayed. They were too slow, the time passing sluggishly, I called to inform I could be late, I knew it would be worse, but talking over there(on phone) was no solution to it. The interview went late till 22:00. Next day was the  drive of a company that I wanted. I had 4 hrs of sleep, and this time, it was just me. I had to go all by myself. Waking up again at 6, I left for a different location. This was a Tech Firm and again I wanted to try.The rounds went smoothly as I was clearing them. Once again I was at the interview panel and soon I was forwarded to the HR panel. I was delighted. This was faster than the day before, and everything got over by 18:00. It was Saturday, weekend. The happiness overwhelmed any thought of my class.
Monday, I was substituted since the other teacher was ill. On reaching, the incidents took place this way:
MeReached the door, *Rings the bell*
Guardian: *Opens the door* You! Today is not your day. You don't come here anymore. *Slams & shuts the door*
M:Thinking: Shit. What do I do now, last class was my payment day.*Rings the doorbell once again* I was told that he already talked to you and that I can take today's class.
G:*Almost screaming* You talked to him, not me. Who gives you the payment? Him or me? Who do you work for? This a house, you teach my son. I don't want a teacher like you who will spoil my child. Go back. I don't need you. Talk to the one who sent you today. I will keep another English teacher. I don't want you. *screaming* GET LOST!
Me: It was just one day, I will manage Friday's class by giving him extra hours. Today I was sent by him, only because he said he a had a word with you. *Me thinking you just can't ask me to go, last class was the PAYMENT DAY. Atleast she should PayMe.*
M: *Thinking what do I do now.* *Tries calling the other teacher* *cuts phone half-way* What would I say to him.
G : *Opens Door* You're still here? What do you think I will keep pleading for you?
M: No, I will make it up, I will devote extra time to him.
G: Now come inside.
M: Thank you.
G : Don't think I will keep asking you. I was informed now, He should have contacted me rather than my sister. I'm responsible for the child. And you, you're responsible if my child fails. *Starts yelling, at the top of her voice* WHAT MANNERS HAVE YOU LEARNT FROM PARENTS. CAN'T YOU PICK UP MY CALLS.WERE YOU SO BUSY? AAH, MY CHILD ISN'T IMPORTANT TO YOU. I GIVE YOU MONEY, SO ASK ME WHEN TO COME, IT'S NOT YOUR HOME, NOR THIS IS A PLAYGROUND FOR YOUR DIRTY TACTICS.
M : I was in the interview as I told you. I'm teaching your kid well. I give my time faithfully, it isn't about money.
G: Just your Interview, your exams, my kid has no value to you. You're a teacher, you must have some responsibilities.

Turns out, I'm not so good at speaking bluntly. I don't know why, but my tone can't be harsh, taking into considerations that she is elder. I respect her, but sometimes she pokes so hard that I'm unable to control the anger. Whatsoever, it had never lashed out on her yet. Today what I experienced was something for the first time, never had anyone shouted at me with so much rage and me being a mule to them. Was it respect, or the money, or the values giving by parents(HaH, she even brought that into account.). It didn't end it there, post taunts were like after-shocks that come after massive earthquake bringing more destruction. Of course, my job comes first to me. I can't just keep teaching, for the sake of her child. I had already completed his syllabus. It is just revision time. Moreover I said I would make up the time missed. This yelling, shouting, screaming, gathering crowd around her apartment only to insult me, I can't take it.I don't know but I decided, I would end it there.
This is the down, of my life right now. It was previously on 1st Jan 2019. I was sent back from door upon hearing few comments on the very first day of year, spoiling not just my morning, but day or maybe year. I know I had my up. I know I will. I keep these things to myself. Who else would listen to these bullshits. Thus writing comes for the rescue. I have a few moral principals, let her shout, be rude, pass comments the way she likes, it all depends on her. Education that she wants from me me to her child is just bookish knowledge, but the things he is learning by watching her, would add to his experience in later life. I was taught to respect, be kind. I can take it upto a certain limit, aftermath, I'm going to quit. The worst that can happen is, The kid will drop from A to B can't go below that I know, He has enough knowledge than most in his class. What I worry about is, his future. How he would treat people. What life lessons would he learn.

For my case. I have my ups coming, I just need to take in some more, then enjoy the fruit during the cold. Eventually it's for us to decide "If life gives you lemons you either "Make lemonade" OR "Squeeze into people's eyes" 
"Life handed him a lemon,
As Life sometimes will do.
His friends looked on in pity,
Assuming he was through.
They came upon him later,
Reclining in the shade
In calm contentment, drinking
A glass of lemonade."

-Peace Out!☮

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


I'm lying there, partially paralysed, immovable, its all dark. Foggy surrounding, or is it smoke everywhere. I can hear my heartbeat, it's all silent like some kind of storm either just passed away or something more bigger is coming right at me. I can see the water puddles, I move my eyeballs first to the right and then to the left. It's like a war-zone, debris everywhere. My hands start to shiver, as I feel cold, I hear someone is coming, footsteps, yes those are footsteps, I can hear the "thud-thud" sound. I try moving, but I can't. I'm putting up all my effort of moving my legs, trying to stand up, but I can't. I can hear some steel clattering over somewhere far, and it is scaring, rather terrified. I gathered all my energy and put up all my effort to stand up and I'm starting to. The footsteps are now faster, and more audible. I start to walk and increase my pace to running. The darkness gathers all around, I stumble over something and Noo, I fell... it's dark deep pit, pulling out my gather to catch something, to someone catch me. My eyes wide open, I realise I'm back to my bed, my dorm(Hostel). It was just a dream.And now I'm awake. But wait, is the dream, not over yet? I have my eyes open, but I'm feeling trapped. I can't feel my hands, nor my legs. I try calling out my room-mates, someone to help me out, neither can I tilt my head, nor can I move my jaws, I can't even open my mouth. It's like "Locked-in syndrome"- a condition in which a patient is awake and aware but cannot move or speak because almost all the muscles in the body except for the eyes are paralyzed.

Nightmares have been common these days, but this, this was certainly different and something I experienced first time in my life. This was terrifying at a whole new level and even after hours of actually waking up I was still under goosebump effect with my hand literally shaking for every task I did. I got out of my Sleep-paralysis by pushing myself out of it. Trying with all my energy, like I had done in the preceding dream. The whole mood was ruined,I had my mind thinking about it all day long.
My dreams never used be this scaring or terrifying, rather it used to be all darkness, blacked out. Recently with the past events happening I think I need to calm my mind. I never really thought about Nightmares, but today post tragic event had put me into a state of shock. I had a dream, my father again, he is ill and we are trying our best to recover him. His state is worsening over time. Ahh.. I having those chills again while writing this, but I'm going to write that out, somewhere I need to vent out these emotions, can't bother people into this. While thinking about writing this out, I connected the dots, and it turns out, the state today I was in after waking up is the same state that Dad was going through in his last week. That stage where he could just roll his eyeballs, maybe shouting inside his mind, trying to have that last conversation as we were craving.
But again, I'm not sure if all my dreams have been related to him. After meeting Miley,(8th Jan) that night my dream was purely blissful. I was happy after waking up. The next day again involved her, kind of bad but at least I had her. I even talked to her about it. Those two days, it was refreshing waking up, we had each other, holding hands, by each others side. But other than those two days, I'm into lucid dreams, those nightmares. What's really worrying is why did I suddenly started dreaming, like seeing these kind of night terrors? I never used to, or rarely, once in a blue moon. These dreams are possessing plus dominating. One time it was scary again. I had this blurry images of owl and spiders, dark room, again I was shouting, phone wreaking, and something powerful entity trying to chase or coming towards me. I woke in the middle of the night, parched and sweating. I look around and there I'm in my room with everything under control. I closed my eyes and trying back to sleep when again, I'm back there in that dark room, this time, I see masked person having chats and I realise I'm back to the same dream. I have this sub-concious mind that know I'm sleep and all I need to do is open my eyes, but they are shut, like sticking with the dream around be continuing, distant chattering going on. I know something is not right and something bad is going to happen.
Dreams really do affect our daily lives. A bad dream can actually spoil your morning or worse, the whole day, anything you've planned out. Earlier, my worst dream used to be "her getting away." I guess since I've actually faced that in my real life, I'm over my worst fear and my brain is entering into new dimensions. Yeah, after all it's been long since my mind had it's own blackhole. That bright star, when it died, part of me died as well. Most of my luck and all of my brain activity too. I've never talked about her here, so let that still be the mystery girl, the Gwen, while I move on with my life figuring out how to deal with the problems that I myself create and how to solve them rather being a Bond to someone else's life.
I researched and found out "Meditation" would help. Nightmares are common if some mishap happens in your life and may continue for sometime. But the Sleep paralysis that I experienced post-awakening is a matter of concern. It might be indication of some brain problems, huge stress, or distress. I hope I don't get that back again, and wish nobody who reads this does. It was terrifying. Good-day people. Freddy aint real, so have a calm mind before sleeping. I'm thankful he didn't visit me, so far.

-Peace out!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

8th January 2019

Absence Sharpens Love, Presence Strengthens it.

For now I've named the Post just as the day I'm going to describe, because the day in itself is a special day. It Started with the Mid-night Wishing Abdy(Abdullah) a Happy Birthday. I was a bit unhappy that I couldn't be there but the thought that I'd be somewhere else dismissed what ever guilt I had. I wished him, and thought he was better enjoying than disturb him. The day had began, with my train being late I was okay with it. Since I had experienced worse. I was charging my phone so utilizing the moment was "The presence of mind" which I wish my Job interviewer would have notices. Jokes apart. It was cold, but I had the beanie in my bag. I set up my Alarm at two different timing and on two different apps. Taking extra precaution of not missing my station, I even switched my phone to full Vibrate-Mode. The train came, usually late, Duh! I sat on my berth and it was then when it hit my head, "The thought of bringing my Blanket". I had never travelled without one, and the bone chilling cold in a sleeper compartment made me realize what a shitty-mistake(yeah Blunders are called that now) I made. I had that extra jacket, but wearing that would spoil the Gift I had for her, I was going to sleep on my bag. And that extra Jacket was actually for her, I had thought so when keeping it. She might need one. Moving on.. the Train started AND SO DID THE SHIVERING. Gosh, I was shivering like a vibrating Dildo. I had never seen one, what other things vibrate? A phone? or a drilling machine. Whatever you find the most, I was THAT. I woke up twice, every-time checking my Phone, Wallet and TIME, I really didn't wanted to miss my stop.

So there I was at CUTTACK station, after nearly 4 years. It was late and with constant conversation, well-informed. I didn't want her to take huge risks, so no chances of doubting. After her classes where cancelled. I decided to take coffee, and yeah also grab something to eat, my stomach was growling with the shivering for how empty it had been. I had skipped the dinner as well, the oily food made me to. Soon, I reached the bus stop and there, this Auto-wala says it's strike day! It was not much of a shock.. but the buses won't be plying all day. I decided informing her the same, maybe, if she had the scooty. I walked around, remembering the Good Old Days... how I used to complain Dad of walking too much. All that seemed like a couple of minutes walk. I explored the area, grabbed a water bottle, small talk with the shopkeeper, and so I came to know about All India Bandh. Shit! This had once crossed my mind, but seriously. Till now the day wasn't going soo good as I had thought, maybe because my luck was being late. No sign of her anywhere, I decided to go to the bridge. and long walk back. I saw the crowd of the party doing strike, it was peaceful but crowded, with the police leading.. it was safe. Finally I received her call, she was out, now and I knew she would come by an auto, I started walking back. Small talk with mummy while returning, I assured her(actually I assured myself more than her) that we're somewhere just outside Hostel. As I reached the spot at the same time I saw her.

She reached the same time as I did. Lucky!

She was there. First thing I noticed was her smile, she wasn't short(she exaggerated, I suppose) she was cute. Yeah, that's the first thing that ran in my head. Honestly, I told I saw her smile.. Actually it was the bold matte finished Red Lipstick. With ceasing my urge to hug her at that very moment, it was her city, all I did was a firm handshake. Cold hands, soft and then that smile. Blue hoodie, which anyone could tell was oversized, and her white jeans which made her look more cuter. Then like Gwen from Spider-verse, she pulled down the hood and "OH MY GOD!" That was shocking revelation. She had them coloured. I don't know what the terms are, it was some shades dark some light, some natural. But haircut didn't surprise me much. I had that calculated and she actually pulled it off really good. I don't know if I had ever seen anyone befitting that haircut. One can confidently say those were felicitous.
Moving on, she decided we must take an Auto, great witted I must say. So we were now moving... One thing, I must say.. she has that smile, that one where if you see a person smiling with a smile like that, whatever is going in your head, you'll forget it and start smiling with that person for a moment. And her light brown eyes enchanted me combined with that fabulous smile.

I know myself. I take hell lot of time to open up. So I thought lets get started formally as a friend. With casual teasing.. and having fun in the auto, it was quick we reached the Smart city: Bhubaneshwar.  Quite smart and dumb as well. I don't know much about girly stuff... But this thing, mattered to her, it was like the last piece of a puzzle you're solving which took like a week to it and that piece goes missing. I was worried it could be phone, or wallet or jewellery, but it was her Favorite: Color-Pop Bold Red; Matte finish Lipstick. Yeah, not a big deal for guys but big deal for this young lady, specially my girl who has just one obsession and it's Lipsticks. We lost the auto-Uncle and so our hope of getting the thing. But fortunately, I got the opportunity to get hold of her hand. Uhh.. I just don't want to scare her by unnecessary holding hands or unnecessary anything.

This city had a different scene than Cuttack. This city was scared as timid rabbit. With all the shops and mall closed, we just had the roads to road and no-where else. And so we did that. Finally we sat at a grocery shop(actually the second, first one was already closing). I was still trying opening up. We did the conversation... Ahh.. the conversation felt so good. It was like we meet everyday and talk for hours. I got introduced to a new Chips. After getting rejected from multiple closed doors, me landing into gobar , Searching for a mall in every direction only to find it closed, her leg getting that nerve refraction.. We moved forward to a different mall.. This mall was partially closed. I was getting my luck fixed. We got there.. It was vacant and that was good. Holding her arms, observing her.. The smile she had was something to look at.. Her stories were good, but now I realize I interrupted her a lot. That commenting, wasn't out of nervousness but for the sheer habit of me Trolling friends. She had a way of narrating, with occasional sleek cheek bones outcasting every light in that mall...
It was then She asked for a guessing game. And ohh God I fucked it so bad. I could have shattered my head against the 30 feet window pane. Fudge, she was tapping her fingers against her cheeks and that's why I said Kiss on cheeks. Sheesh...

But naah... She was with me, her sweet charismatic aura made me smile every-time I took a glimpse of her, soon making me forget that mistake.